Forró Miór-Konzert-Brazilian Folk am 28.02.2018, 20h30

Cultur Cafe Smaragd Linz-Event Forro Mior

Wenn Ihr noch mehr über Forró Miór erfahen wollt, haben wir hier den Link für deren Website:

The band Forró Miór brings a new concept of Forrò to the world music scene. Their approach to this
Brazilian folk genre remains faithful to its tradition but opens to influences of cumbia, milonga, swing, samba
and latin-jazz. Their expressive verve, always open to improvisation and interplay, has proven to be appealing to forró
dancers as well as to the general audience.
Forró Miór bring refreshing musical originality through powerfully engaging performances.

Forró Miór werden sicher super Stimmung machen-also schaut vorbei!

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Euer CC-Smaragd-Team!


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