Squaredcolours-Jam Session-Trip Hop am 30.03.2017

Cultur Cafe Smaragd Linz-Event-Squarecoloured

Squarecoloured is a collective occupied with recapturing and renewing the sound of early Trip Hop as well as leaving its mark on atmospheric Drum and Bass aesthetics.

Covering expressions of an extensive timeline conceals a host of textual questions; from flutes and gongs to sub-ultra-kawaii aural soundscapes, the band flourishes in ambient mood as well as intimate in-your-face attitude.

Diese Musiker sind “squaredcolours”:

Lisa Marie Dorfer voc
Christopher Haritzer clar
Philipp Wohofsky keys
Tadej Supkovic bass
Niki Gehrer drums

Es wird sicher wieder ein cooles Event! Also schaut vorbei!

Euer CC Smaragd-Team!


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